Sunday, November 25, 2012


Introuducing "Rantings of the Marginalised".


This is a bilingual blog.


This blog will mostly focus on LGBT rights issues in society and law in the United States and Japan, but may delve into those pertaining to other minority groups (e.g.; homeless) as well.


Perhaps a self-introduction is in order:


I am a mixed-race 27 year old homosexual currently living in the SF Bay Area. I lived with my father and his parents in South Japan in the 80's and early 90's. I did not yet have an orientation, but I did experience racism from a young age.


After my father's death, I was placed in my mother's custody. My mother was an Italian Roman Catholic living in the Southeastern United States. During this time was when I realised my orientation. My mother was violent, and upon my coming out, tried to instill fear in my sibling. I was also the only homosexual I knew.

父が死去してから、母の保管に置いた。母は南東合衆国住いのイタリア系でカトリック教であった。性的指向を気づいたのはこの頃だった。 母は暴力的でカミング・アウトから、自分に対して兄弟に恐怖を埋めようとした。それ以外、自分より同性愛者は一人も知らんかった。

Escaping my mother's abuse, which had turned me to drugs, I left that house on becoming legal. However, a year later, as a small female labourer, I would find myself jobless and homeless. In the Southern US, homelessness is a crime according to local law despite the truth being that finding a job; being hired, is ultimately completely out of the applicant's hands.


Employment aside, since coming to the Bay Area in 2005, I have still recieved much discrimination. Raicial and Orientation based alike. In The US, many who discriminate against the LGBT population do so as did my mother; vehemently, violently, and leaning on their book as a convinent excuse.


Understanding my background, you now understand what this blog will explore. It will be largely LGBT-focused, but it will remain exploring the undeservedly marginalised. It will explore harmfull societal values as well as harmful legislation.


By the way, I am a college student majoring in Social Work.

ところで、大学生で専攻はソーシャル・ワークだ。とそれに、父側の大阪人家族と神戸で育ったから話すときは「ごちゃ混ぜ」弁だから、よく考えるままに書くから、急にやとか変単語使ったり分かれないなら、それは理由で先に謝る。 これは猛烈になるほど尚更。